Kayseri Trial
Institutional Sponsor
Taner Akcam
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[This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]The encrypted telegraph sent by the Kayseri Party Command to the Ankara Army Corps Command on June 2, regarding Hosrov Efendi.
An encrypted telegraph sent by Halil Recia to the Kayseri Party Command.
A letter sent by Halil Recai to the Ministry of War on June 3, regarding Hosrov Efendi.
A letter sent by Halil Recai to the Ministry of War on June 10, regarding Hosrov Efendi.
The letter sent by the Ministry of War Counselor Ismail to the Ankara Army Corps Command on June 4, regarding Hosrov Efendi.
The letter sent by the Military Court President, County Executive Tevfik to the 5th Army Corps Command on June 10, regarding Hosrov Efendi.[This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]
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Recommended Citation
Guerguerian, Krikor, "08 Book Draft - Kayseri I" (2018). Kayseri Trial. 8.