"52 Armenian Deportation - Annihilation" by Krikor Guerguerian

Genocide (Various Languages)

Original Author

Krikor Guerguerian

Institutional Sponsor

Taner Akcam

Publication Date



[This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]

Takvim-i Vekayi, number 3771, pg. 48, 13 January 1920

Takvim-i Vekayi, number 2303, 14 September 1925; number 2343, 28 October 1915; number 2611, 28 July 1916; number 3747, 12 January 1920; E585/56/44

The same document already exists. Takvim-i Vekayi, number 3573, pg. 144, 13 June 1919

The telegraph sent by the Yozgat Gendarmerie Commander Major Tevfik Bey to the Yozgat Provincial District Government, stating that the Military Tribunal Court Judge stated that an invesgitagtion needed to be launched into the massacres and atrocities carried out in the villages of Terzili and Chat [Çat]; the investigation into Nerses Danielian's ring, which was obtained by the Revenue Officer in Yozgat Feyyaz Bey by the Liquidations Commission.

Takvim-i Vekayi, number 3540, pg. 8, 5 May 1919; a note regarding the abanodned properties law; a note about how the Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] County Executive Kemal Bey had annihilated the Armenians; and the reading by the Military Tribunal Court Judge in February 1919 of a telegraph between Talat Pasha and the Erzurum Governor-General Tahsin Bey regarding the annihilation of Armenians.

[This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]



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52 Armenian Deportation - Annihilation



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