Genocide (Various Languages)
Institutional Sponsor
Taner Akcam
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[This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]
A chronological narration that summarizes the process between the years of 1894-1915 that brought the Young Turks to take the decision deport and annihilate the Armenians, using various primary sources and archival material.
A note which explains that the decision to annihilate the Armenians had been taken long before the First World War; and that the Special Organization gangs led by Bahaddin Shakir [Bahaddin Şakir] had started in February 1915.
The difference between the English High Commissariat and the Turkish government regarding on what date the abandoned properties should be returned.
A note regarding the following topics: when and how the Special Organization was established; its activities since 1913; its role in the 1915 Armenian Genocide; the Special Organization's structure; who it is administered by; that its activities had been revealed in the Extraordinary Military Tribunal trials; and the fact that von der Goltz Pasha had recommended the deportation of Armenians.
The same already exists
A short note on the the CUP's secret Central Committee.
[This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]
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Recommended Citation
Guerguerian, Krikor, "12 Special Organization" (2018). Genocide (Various Languages). 12.