"Increase of potential intellectual bandwidth in a scientific community" by C. Bach, S. Belardo et al.

School of Business

Increase of potential intellectual bandwidth in a scientific community through implementation of an end-user information system

Document Type

Conference Paper


Qureshi, et al. (2002) presented a case study where they used a framework, the intellectual bandwidth model to measure an organization's ability to create value. The model consists of two dimensions, information assimilation and collaboration. The IB model is a useful tool for managers because it enables them to plan solutions to complex business problems and to easily communicate these plans to key individuals. The model can also serve as a guide when making investment decisions. While it is important to increase an organization's intellectual bandwidth, it is equally important to assure that the resulting increase is employed to improve the organization's ability to innovate since, as it has been shown, innovation is the number one creator of organizational wealth (Baum et al., 2000). In this paper we discuss how intellectual bandwidth as proposed by Nunamaker et al. (2001) can be extended beyond the highest level of information assimilation identified in the model, automated sense-making, to ensure implementation of product innovations. To do this we propose adding two new information assimilation features, automated utilization and automated implementation. A real business example from the bioscience industry is presented in order to demonstrate how the IB model with extensions can be used. The study discusses an end-user information system, its current use and its potential to enhance an organization's value-creating capability.

Publication Title

Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2003

Publication Date







information systems, corporate modelling, automation, knowledge management, knowledge based systems, innovation management
