Computer Science

Mean field analysis of SU(N) deconfining transitions in the presence of dynamical quarks

F. Green, Northwestern University
F. Karsch, Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire


The deconfining transitions of SU(N) lattice gauge theories, both with and without quarks, are studied using strong coupling techniques combined with a mean field analysis. In the pure gauge sector our analysis suggests first-order transitions for N ≥ 3 and a second-order transition only for N = 2. Quarks are incorporated via an effective external field h related to the Wilson hopping parameter. For N = 2 the transition disappears for arbitrarily small h, whereas for finite N ≥ 3 it disappears above non-zero critical field hc. hc approaches zero as N → ∞ even though the pure gauge sector transition remains first order. Our results for hc in the SU(3) case agree well with recent Monte Carlo simulations. © 1984.