"Megaphylogeny resolves global patterns of mushroom evolution" by Torda Varga, Krisztina Krizsán et al.



Torda Varga, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia
Krisztina Krizsán, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia
Csenge Földi, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia
Bálint Dima, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Marisol Sánchez-García, Clark University
Santiago Sánchez-Ramírez, University of Toronto
Gergely J. Szöllősi, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
János G. Szarkándi, University of Szeged Faculty of Science and Informatics
Viktor Papp, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
László Albert, Hungarian Mycological Society
William Andreopoulos, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
Claudio Angelini, Jardín Botánico Nacional “Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso”
Vladimír Antonín, Moravian Museum
Kerrie W. Barry, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
Neale L. Bougher, Western Australian Herbarium
Peter Buchanan, Landcare Research, Auckland
Bart Buyck, Sorbonne Université
Viktória Bense, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia
Pam Catcheside, State Herbarium of South Australia
Mansi Chovatia, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
Jerry Cooper, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
Wolfgang Dämon
Dennis Desjardin, San Francisco State University
Péter Finy, Zsombolyai u. 56
József Geml, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Sajeet Haridas, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
Karen Hughes, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Alfredo Justo, Clark University
Dariusz Karasiński, Władysław Szafer Institute of Botany of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Ivona Kautmanova, Slovak National Museum
Brigitta Kiss, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia
Sándor Kocsubé, University of Szeged Faculty of Science and Informatics
David Hibbett, Clark UniversityFollow

Document Type



Mushroom-forming fungi (Agaricomycetes) have the greatest morphological diversity and complexity of any group of fungi. They have radiated into most niches and fulfil diverse roles in the ecosystem, including wood decomposers, pathogens or mycorrhizal mutualists. Despite the importance of mushroom-forming fungi, large-scale patterns of their evolutionary history are poorly known, in part due to the lack of a comprehensive and dated molecular phylogeny. Here, using multigene and genome-based data, we assemble a 5,284-species phylogenetic tree and infer ages and broad patterns of speciation/extinction and morphological innovation in mushroom-forming fungi. Agaricomycetes started a rapid class-wide radiation in the Jurassic, coinciding with the spread of (sub)tropical coniferous forests and a warming climate. A possible mass extinction, several clade-specific adaptive radiations and morphological diversification of fruiting bodies followed during the Cretaceous and the Paleogene, convergently giving rise to the classic toadstool morphology, with a cap, stalk and gills (pileate-stipitate morphology). This morphology is associated with increased rates of lineage diversification, suggesting it represents a key innovation in the evolution of mushroom-forming fungi. The increase in mushroom diversity started during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic radiation event, an era of humid climate when terrestrial communities dominated by gymnosperms and reptiles were also expanding.

Publication Title

Nature Ecology and Evolution

Publication Date






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fungi, phylogeny

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Student Publications

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