Deportation Practices / Tehcir Uygulamaları
This binder consists of copies of correspondence pertaining to the deportations and killings in general without distinction as to civilian or military region. There are 38 records found within the 33 files that make up this binder.
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Deportation 01
Krikor Guerguerian
On the threat to hang any Muslims in front of their homes if they are caught hiding Armenians.
Deportation 02
Krikor Guerguerian
Summaries of the communiques sent from the Ministry of the Interior between 25 May [12 Mayis] and 13 August [31 Temmuz] 1915 on the deportation and abandoned properties of Armenians.
Deportation 03
Krikor Guerguerian
The incidents that have been occuring are a form anarchy against the Union and Progress Society. Some have acquired ill gotten gains From this situation and the Erzurum caravan should be directed towards Malatya, not the Kemah and Egin [Eğin] routes.
Deportation 04
Krikor Guerguerian
Between May 1915-April 1917, a request that the originals of the coded telegrams from the Ministry of Interior to the provincial offices be sent by way of specially assigned civil officials; responses from Ankara and Konya have been received but responses from the other provinces are expected.
Deportation 05
Krikor Guerguerian
A notification of the order from the Chief Commander that regardless of age or gender, there will be no exceptions to removing Armenians from the country.
Of the deported Armenians those with military families will stay where they are; if they comprise more than five households then they will be dispersed among the Islamic communities; under this situation for example one Armenian family may be settled into a prevailing Muslim village comprised of twenty households; in a place that has more than one hundred households, a maximum of five Armenian households will be permitted. A notice on the subject was sent by the Ministry of Interior to the provinces. A list of the families of rebels is being prepared and will be shared with authorized officials in the locations. If military and civil servant families have been deported, they will be allowed to return.
Deportation 06
Krikor Guerguerian
The decision to allow deported Armenians whose parents are military or civil servants to remain where they are will be implemented the same way to those born in 1894.
All types of property and funds left by the Armenians are not to be expended and shall be turned over to the treasurer's office. Those that must be liquidated shall be sold and then the funds shall likewise be turned over.
Deportation 07
Krikor Guerguerian
The Armenians in the labor battalions in Istanbul will be sent to Pozanti in caravans consisting of 50-100 individuals, then from there to Aleppo [Halep] and then to Damascus to be turned over to the Damascus Army Transport Corp Inspector's office for the purpose of being deployed to the area outside of the Fourth Army zone.
Deportation 08
Krikor Guerguerian
Masons and stone cutters who are among the Armenian laborers working in road construction are to be exempt from deportation.
Deportation 09
Krikor Guerguerian
10-15 thousand Armenian soldiers are expected to arrive as labor battalions from Istanbul. Some of them will be reinforcing the labor battalions in the desert while others will be assigned to the newly formed labor battalions.
Deportation 10
Krikor Guerguerian
On not allowing Armenians who have completed military service to go on leave….
On getting informed by the Fourth Army Commander's Office that masons and wall builders among the Armenian laborers are to be exempt from the transfer.
The complete destruction of the Armenians as a result of the current situation was presented to the Padishah [Sultan] and this is how they are to be treated. Every Armenian and individual bearing an Armenian name of Ottoman citizenship who is a civilian, outside of children less than five years of age, shall be taken outside of cities and towns and killed. Armenians serving in the army shall be taken out of their units, without causing any unrest, and put before a firing squad in secret locations where no one will see. Armenian army officers shall be imprisoned within the headquarters of whatever army units they are assigned until secondary orders arrive. Execution upon these three items shall be separately announced within forty eight hours after this notice has been served on every army commander.
Deportation 11
Krikor Guerguerian
This record which consists of 12 items, lists item by item, the incidents that are reported to have occurred during the deportation, both before it started and during the journey.
Deportation 12
Krikor Guerguerian
The Armenians in Meskene have been continuously escaping. The reason why they have been escaping and the need to have the Armenians dispatched further away is discussed.
Deportation 13
Krikor Guerguerian
A telegram sent by Bahaettin Sakir [Şakir], head of the Special Organization through Kharpert [Elazig - Elazığ] Governor-General Sabit Bey to Nazim Bey. In the telegram he asks "Are the Armenians who are being deported from there being eliminated? Are the individuals who you designated as harmful that are being forcibly moved out, being annihilated or are they just being deported and transported elsewhere?"...
Deportation 14
Krikor Guerguerian
There is news that there are many corpses along the route. An army unit should be issued for their immediate burial.
Deportation 15
Krikor Guerguerian
A list of all the Armenians working in the railways and stations by name, family, relatives and how they are known was requested by message sent on 23 October 1917 . Since it had not arrived, this must immediately be sent and forwarded to the Military Commissioner's Office in Aleppo [Halep].
Deportation 16
Krikor Guerguerian
It is not desirable for any male Armenians to remain; whatever necessary should be done and the bodies destroyed.
Deportation 17
Krikor Guerguerian
The Ministry of War's order dated August 19, 1915 [ 6/8/1915] and numbered 6882 has been rescinded. Armenians who have not been terminated from their positions will remain where they are.
Deportation 18
Krikor Guerguerian
Description of the positions and the amount of time left remaining for employees who will be terminated within the year.
Deportation 19
Krikor Guerguerian
Two orders and a ledger coming from the General Headquarters of the Railway Branch about the Armenians working for the railways, is presented in the attachment. The start of the term shall be 8 November 1915 [26 Teşrin-i evvel 1915] and procedures should be followed with that in mind and the results should be reported to the Commissioner's Office.
Deportation 20
Krikor Guerguerian
The complete destruction of the Armenians as a result of the current situation was presented to the Padishah [Sultan] and this is how they are to be treated. Every Armenian and individual bearing an Armenian name of Ottoman citizenship who is a civilian, outside of children less than five years of age, shall be taken outside of cities and towns and killed. Armenians serving in the army shall be taken out of their units, without causing any unrest, and put before a firing squad in secret locations where no one will see. Armenian army officers shall be imprisoned within the headquarters of whatever army units they are assigned until secondary orders arrive. Execution upon these three items shall be separately announced within forty eight hours after this notice has been served on every army commander.
Deportation 21
Krikor Guerguerian
On the crimes committed by Pertev Bey, the Amasya Division Commander during the deportation from Amasya, that one of the three shares in the Kirkgoz [Kırkgöz] Factory have been purchased on behalf of Vehip Pasha and that the daughter of Monsieur Wilson, an English citizen, was raped.
Deportation 22
Krikor Guerguerian
In a coded telegram From the Governor-General of Erzurum to the Governor-General Sabit Bey of Kharpert [Elazig - Elazığ] dated 24 June 1915 [11 Haziran 1915] and 27 June 1915 [14 Haziran 1915], he states that when he asked how many caravans and how many people had gone from Erzurum to Kharpert [Elazig - Elazığ], Sabit Bey's response was that it was twenty five or thirty thousand. He reminds the latter that this is people, not money and that the difference of five thousand is not something to be minimized. Is the question not taken seriously because it's been decided that they are all to be annihilated?
By secret orders from Talat Pasha and the Union and Progress Society, Armenians who are in regions that are outside of İstanbul and Aydın regions were removed.
Deportation 23
Krikor Guerguerian
A telegram that was given by Nokta commander Major Nusret to Culciyan Karabet Efendi of Zeytun in a certain setting.
Deportation 24
Krikor Guerguerian
An information note on subjects on the Deportation process and the fact that they can provide eyewitness accounts of the crimes and the criminals who committed them.
Deportation 25
Krikor Guerguerian
Informational note on the names of those who must be heard as witnesses.