The Clark University Poll (2012-2015)

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emerging adults, emerging adulthood, established adults, polls, millenials, 25-39


Report for the 2014 Poll of Established Adults Ages 25-39 titled "Becoming Established Adults: Busy, Joyful, Stressed -- and Still Dreaming Big".

"So what happens after emerging adulthood? Many emerging adults feel like they are not entirely adult. So when does the feeling of reaching adulthood become firmly established? Emerging adults are highly optimistic and hopeful about the shape their adult lives will take. So how do they feel about their lives once they have chosen a career path and a marriage partner? At ages 18-29 they enjoy the freedom and the sense of wide-open possibilities that come with being an emerging adult, even as they also experience a substantial amount of anxiety. Do they lament the loss of freedom once they reach their thirties and make commitments to others? Does their anxiety wane once they are more securely established in a career path?

These were the kinds of questions we sought to answer in the 2014 Clark University Poll of Established Adults, ages 25-39. We chose the 25-39 age range rather than 30-39 because people make the transition to an established adulthood at different points.

The Clark University Poll of Established Adults entailed interviews with 1,011 people ages 25-39. The data collection was conducted by Purple Strategies, a professional survey research firm, from April 12 to May 12, 2014. Participants were contacted via three methods: cell phones (107), landlines (140), and the Internet (764)."

Description from the Preface and Methodology sections of the 2014 Clark University Poll.

An infographic summarizing the 2014 Poll of Established Adults has been made available as a supplemental file.

ClarkPoll2014Infographic.jpg (794 kB)
2014 Clark Poll Infographic

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Psychology Commons



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