Citizen Alert
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This report is a limited technical analysis of the efficacy of the federal government's groundwater monitoring program down gradient of the northwestern section of the NTS (Nevada Test Site), and its ability to provide early detection and warning of radioactivity in water in time to prevent harm to people and the environment. Concern over the efficacy of the groundwater monitoring program was triggered by the federal government's repeated implication that since no radioactive contamination from underground nuclear tests had ever been detected in any of the water source locations they sampled around the NTS, then no contaminated water exists off site of the NTS.
A more specific concern for this work is whether citizens and the environment near the western periphery of the NTS are being protected from radioactive groundwater contamination that is potentially migrating towards them from the nuclear tests detonated beneath the surface of the NTS on Pahute Mesa.
This research was completed money allocated during Round 1 of the Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund (MTA Fund). Clark University was named conservator of these works.
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Citizen Alert
nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons testing, environment, non-governmental organizations, United States Department of Energy, tribal governments, environmental cleanup, radioactive fallout, radioactive waste
Copyright belongs to the authors. Clark University was chosen by the non-profit peace and environmental groups as the conservator of these reports; our right to distribute these works ensures they remain available to the public in perpetuity as intended. Reuse at your own discretion with with due deference to copyright holders.
Las Vegas, NV
Recommended Citation
Citizen Alert, "Analysis of the Nevada Test Site Early Warning System for Groundwater Contamination Potentially Migrating from Pahute Mesa to Oasis Valley, Nevada" (2004). Citizen Alert. 1.