Clark Digital Commons - Conferences sponsored by the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies: Panel Four: Reexamining Responses to Genocide

Panel Four: Reexamining Responses to Genocide

Presenter Information

Clark University

Start Date

10-4-2015 4:15 PM

End Date

10-4-2015 6:00 PM


Moderator: Matthias Bjørnlund (Danish Institute for Study Abroad, Denmark)

  • Antoine Burgard (Université Lumière, France and Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
    Gatekeepers and Foster Families: The Canadian Jewish Congress and the Selection of Holocaust Orphans
    download paper (login required)
  • Tuğçe Kayaal (University of Michigan)
    Social Aspects of the Armenian Genocide: Assimilation and Resistance of the Armenian Orphans during the Genocide
    download paper (password required)

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Apr 10th, 4:15 PM Apr 10th, 6:00 PM

Panel Four: Reexamining Responses to Genocide

Moderator: Matthias Bjørnlund (Danish Institute for Study Abroad, Denmark)

  • Antoine Burgard (Université Lumière, France and Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
    Gatekeepers and Foster Families: The Canadian Jewish Congress and the Selection of Holocaust Orphans
    download paper (login required)
  • Tuğçe Kayaal (University of Michigan)
    Social Aspects of the Armenian Genocide: Assimilation and Resistance of the Armenian Orphans during the Genocide
    download paper (password required)