Clark Digital Commons - Conferences sponsored by the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies: Keynote Address: The Challenge of Denial: Why People Refuse to Accept Unwelcome Facts

Keynote Address: The Challenge of Denial: Why People Refuse to Accept Unwelcome Facts

Presenter Information

Clark University


Worcester State University, Ghosh Auditorium

Start Date

24-10-2014 7:00 PM


Introductory Remarks - Khatchig Mouradian

Keynote address - Brendan Nyhan The Challenge of Denial: Why People Refuse to Accept Unwelcome Facts

Response - Henry Theriault; Discussion and Q&A

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Oct 24th, 7:00 PM

Keynote Address: The Challenge of Denial: Why People Refuse to Accept Unwelcome Facts

Worcester State University, Ghosh Auditorium

Introductory Remarks - Khatchig Mouradian

Keynote address - Brendan Nyhan The Challenge of Denial: Why People Refuse to Accept Unwelcome Facts

Response - Henry Theriault; Discussion and Q&A