Sustainability and Social Justice

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Chief Instructor

Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, Ph.D.




This paper describes my personal internship experience during the summer of 2014. I worked as a part-time student research assistant at Clark Labs and focused on the development of new modules for IDRISI GIS software. I created the new LANDSAT module for importing and preprocessing Landsat Archive imagery. I also created an option in the TassCap module for performing Landsat 8 Tasseled Cap transformation. Through collaboration with GIS and remote sensing professionals at Clark Labs, I successfully applied my geospatial knowledge to real-world software development works. This experience also sharpened the skills I learned at Clark University and was directly related to my career goals. I highly recommend this internship to future GISDE students who wish to apply their knowledge to programming GIS software that facilitates geographers’ understanding of the world.



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