Sustainability and Social Justice

GIS Specialist 2016 Internship with CDM Smith in Boston, Massachusetts

Suzanne L. Meek

This internship was a great learning experience in regards to real world professionalism and field work etiquette. I was able to collaborate with both different and likeminded peers who guided me throughout my entire summer. I highly recommend the CDM Smith internship program. The following pages dive deeper into my projects, lessons learned, and my reflections on this internship.


This report provides a detailed experience of my internship with CDM Smith during the summer of 2016. This was a formal 12-week internship that was extended an additional two weeks due to my success in the first few weeks. My title was listed as a GIS Specialist Intern. My responsibilities included applying GIS technologies to construction, water, and energy projects, digitizing various locations for cities and private clients, FEMA projects, and street light audits in two different towns in New England.