Sustainability and Social Justice

Date of Award


Degree Type

Practitioner Report

Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Development and Social Change (IDSC)


International Development, Community and Environment

Chief Instructor

Jude Fernando

Second Reader

David Bell


grant writing, proposal, access to education, disaster relief, continuing education, funding


This practitioner paper chronicles my involvement of the grant writing proposal that was designed on behalf of a non-for-profit organization, the Association of Dalit Women’s Advancement of Nepal (ADWAN), in order to secure funding and donations for the reconstruction of the destroyed Sinjali Secondary School in Gorkha district, Taklung village, after a 2015 earthquake struck Nepal. The proposal was guided by and collaborated with Professor Jude Fernando of Clark University, as Professor Fernando was able to visit Taklung village and gather information about the needs in the educational sector damaged by the earthquake. Literature review and research was gathered to focus on the ramifications of the lack of school access which validated the need of continuing education for the most vulnerable and marginalized community members. Literature included: yearly reports, government country profiles, and interviews with children that have been internally displaced due to damaged homes. Issues such as increased drop-out rates, physical and mental health impacts, infrastructure damage, increased child labor, and vulnerability are discussed in-depth. The grant writing proposal follows a traditional format in which it outlines the project’s purpose, objectives, and methodology. Furthermore, it details the logical framework, monitoring & evaluation, budget, and a timeline for the project. In the final section of the paper, I reflect on the process and challenges I’ve encountered throughout writing the grant.



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