
Course Number

CMLT 233

Syllabus Date

Fall 2010

Department course is offered by

CMLT - Comparative Literature

Course description

Faust—the scholar who makes a deal with the devil in order to achieve knowledge, love and power—is one of the great myths of modernity. Faust makes his deal with the devil because he despairs of living in the ivory tower and wants to effect real, positive, change in the world. This course thus gives us a chance to think critically about their own desires to “challenge convention and change the world.” Clark University’s Motto, “Challenge Convention and Change the World,” comes directly out of the Faustian tradition, as does the very conception of a socially activist research university.

A photo of this Fall 2010 class was taken as part of Professor Bob Tobin's ongoing class photo tradition.


Faust, German literature, Faustian, literature, adaptations



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