Sermons, 1905-1919
Document Type
This is from the bound collection that includes sermons from May 24, 1908 to August 9, 1908.
This sermon focuses on Universal priesthood and the implications of this responsibility. Davis focuses on three elements: (1) One must listen to the world and to others in the world, listen with an understanding heart. (2) In light of what one learns with the understanding heart, one must develop one's moral purposes in the world. (3) One must act on these purposes. This is a full life of the living God.
Date refers to Date Given.
The primary downloadable document contains the original document followed by the transcription. The bottom of each item page also features the primary document as an embedded pdf for browsing.
Transcription by Davis Baird. Item description based off writing and context provided by Davis Baird.
Earl Clement Davis, sermons, minister, Unitarianism, religion, philosophy, universal priesthood
Recommended Citation
Davis, Earl Clement, "The Spirit of the Evangel" (1908). Sermons, 1905-1919. 96.
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