Sermons, 1905-1919
Document Type
This is from the bound collection—“bundle #6”—that is labeled “Sermons During the War.” There is no explicit date on this sermon, but from the text this clearly is an Easter sermon. Also in the text there is reference to the Good Friday of that year — April 6, 1917 — being the day the United States declared war and entered World War I. Davis provides comments on this as well.
An Easter Sunday sermon in which Davis provides some personal history -- growing up on a farm, loving nature, encountering a strike as a young college student -- all to illustrate two principles of life: freedom and fellowship, both of which Davis sees as necessary.
Date refers to Date Given.
The primary downloadable document contains the original document followed by the transcription. The bottom of each item page also features the primary document as an embedded pdf for browsing.
Transcription by Davis Baird. Item description based off writing and context provided by Davis Baird.
Earl Clement Davis, sermons, minister, Unitarianism, religion, philosophy, Easter Sunday
Recommended Citation
Davis, Earl Clement, "The Church as Fellowship for Common Purpose" (1917). Sermons, 1905-1919. 71.
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