Sermons, 1905-1919
Document Type
This is from the bound collection—“bundle #6”—that is labeled “Sermons During the War.” In this collection were two sermons that noted in their first paragraph a request to ministers to preach a patriotic sermon, this one, and “The Spirit of ‘76.” Both appear to be incomplete given their abrupt endings. Thus, our best guess is that these are two different attempts to draft “a patriotic sermon.” Neither has an explicit date. But internal evidence in “A Sermon on Patriotism” clearly dates them to April 15, 1917, very shortly after the United States entered “the Great War,” April 6, 1917.
Davis' view of the war is that it started as the old authoritarian order of empire was crumbling, and will emerge as a victory for democracy.
Date refers to Date Given.
The primary downloadable document contains the original document followed by the transcription. The bottom of each item page also features the primary document as an embedded pdf for browsing.
Transcription by Davis Baird. Item description based off writing and context provided by Davis Baird.
Earl Clement Davis, sermons, minister, Unitarianism, religion, World War I
Recommended Citation
Davis, Earl Clement, "A Sermon on Patriotism" (1917). Sermons, 1905-1919. 43.
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