A Citizenship survey of Worcester Jewry

Goldie Corash Michelson, Clark University


Part I is concerned with general aspects of immigration, especially of Jewish immigration. The attitude of America toward the ever increasing flow of immigrants to its shores, has gradually changed from indifference to concern. The problem, from a sociological point of view, seems to be whether or not so many diversified races can make for national solidarity. An answer is found in assimilation, not by force or coercion, but rather by guidance, understanding, and protection.

Part II defines the social survey as an effort to study social conditions in a scientific manner; it then describes the procedure followed in this particular survey.

Part III follows a brief history of citizenship agencies in Worcester, pointing to the available Americanization and Naturalization classes. There are final suggestions for a plan of follow-up work, which might supplement, or be used in conjunction with, the program offered by the Worcester Public School Department, Division of Immigrant Education.