Archives & Special Collections Finding Aids
Document Type
Finding Aid
Worcester, Stella Dallas, Now Voyager
Olive Higgins was born in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1882. She received a Bachelor in Literature degree from Smith College in 1904 and married Lewis Prouty in 1907. Her professional writing career began with encouragement from Albert Boyden, editor of American Magazine. He published When Elsie Came Home in 1909. Her two most famous novels, Stella Dallas and Now, Voyager, were published in 1922 and 1941. Both novels were adapted into movies. Prouty died in 1974.
The Papers consist of correspondence between Prouty and her husband and to various family members. Also included are manuscripts of her many books, and copies of the books in a variety of languages.
Recommended Citation
The Olive Higgins Prouty Papers. Clark University Archive. Clark University. Worcester, MA.