Archives & Special Collections Finding Aids
Document Type
Finding Aid
International Relations, History
George Hubbard Blakeslee (1871-1954) taught history and international relations at Clark University from 1903 until his retirement in 1943. Dr. Blakeslee created and edited the first journal devoted to the study of international relations: the Journal of Race Development (it was later renamed the Journal of International Relations and in 1922 it merged with Foreign Affairs). He also founded at Clark University in 1909 a pioneering series of conferences about international relations. Because Dr. Blakeslee was a leader in the academic study of international relations, he was a longtime advisor for the State Department, both while he was teaching at Clark and after he was named emeritus professor.
The collection includes his pamphlets, addresses, letters, scrapbooks, and reports. The collection deals with both his university and diplomatic activity and covers the period from 1888 to 1962.
Recommended Citation
The George Hubbard Blakeslee Papers. Clark University Archive. Clark University. Worcester, MA.