Geography Master's Papers Collection
The Department of Geography is pleased to share this collection of graduate student work as it represents the intellectual rigor and cutting-edge projects in advanced, often inter-disciplinary courses and faculty laboratories.
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Dónde esta 'Mi Gente?' An Analysis of Spanish-Language Music Awareness Using Tweets in the United States, Will Heikes
Modeling the Vulnerability of Mangrove Forests to Conversion to Aquaculture in Myanmar, Katherine Landesman
Annual cycles of sea ice, wind and primary productivity in the Cape Bathurst and Saint Lawrence Island Polynyas, 1998-2015, Warren T. Scott
Validation of the Terra-I Forest Loss Detection Products in Vietnam Using Landsat-8 Imagery: A Case Study of Dien Bien and Lam Dong Provinces, Chung N.B. Truong