School of Professional Studies

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


School of Professional Studies

Chief Instructor

Kerry Morris, MPA, Adjunct Professor

Second Reader

Kerry Morris

Third Reader

Clark University Writing Center


art museums, museum evaluation, museum development, evaluation best practices, surveys


The Fitchburg Art Museum (FAM) in Fitchburg, MA has a new 2024-2028 strategic plan outlining the organization’s goals and actions for the next four years. However, the museum does not have sufficient evaluation methods in place to measure the effects of these actions. To resolve this issue, this case study proposes an evaluation plan for the museum’s Development department that can be used to assess their operations in the following areas: visitor services, membership and events, marketing, and funding/donor relations. In particular, the Development department’s goal for this project was to better understand their stakeholders, including their motivations, values, and impressions of the museum, in a way that will eventually enable the department to make adjustments to their plans based on those assessments.

This project utilized a combination of background experience and quantitative and qualitative research on museum evaluation. This case study, “Museums Making Change (And Proving It!): A Case Study Developing Evaluation Plans for the Fitchburg Art Museum’s Development Department,” provides a brief historical background on museum evaluation, explains the challenges facing the museum evaluation sector, and outlines evaluation best practices and recommendations identified through research. As part of the solution, surveys were determined to be a manageable and effective evaluation method for the museum. As a result, the deliverables created are four sample surveys, a list of recommended steps for the Development department to carry out, a timeline estimating the length of time for each of those steps, and a rough cost estimate for the project.





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