Panel Six: Case Studies – Genocide from a Global Perspective
Start Date
11-4-2015 11:00 AM
End Date
11-4-2015 12:45 PM
Moderator: Donna-Lee Frieze (Deakin University, Australia)
- Aminat Chokobaeva (Australian National University, Australia)
Born for Misery and Woe: Remembering the 1916 Great Revolt in Kyrgyzstan
- Kelly Maddox (Bowland College, Lancaster University, United Kingdom)
Genocide in the Japanese Empire: Tracing the Genocidal Dynamics of Japanese Imperialism
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- Aberto P. Marti (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom)
Interpreting Reconcentration Camps in Cuba (1895-1898): Collateral Damage or Undercover Genocide
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Apr 11th, 11:00 AM
Apr 11th, 12:45 PM
Panel Six: Case Studies – Genocide from a Global Perspective
Moderator: Donna-Lee Frieze (Deakin University, Australia)
- Aminat Chokobaeva (Australian National University, Australia)
Born for Misery and Woe: Remembering the 1916 Great Revolt in Kyrgyzstan
- Kelly Maddox (Bowland College, Lancaster University, United Kingdom)
Genocide in the Japanese Empire: Tracing the Genocidal Dynamics of Japanese Imperialism
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- Aberto P. Marti (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom)
Interpreting Reconcentration Camps in Cuba (1895-1898): Collateral Damage or Undercover Genocide
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