
Genome divergence in two Prochlorococcus ecotypes reflects oceanic niche differentiation

Gabrielle Rocap, University of Washington School of Oceanography
Frank W. Larimer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jane Lamerdin, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
Stephanie Malfatti, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
Patrick Chain, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
Nathan A. Ahlgren, University of Washington School of Oceanography
Andrae Arellano, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
Maureen Coleman, MIT School of Engineering
Loren Hauser, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Wolfgang R. Hess, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Zackary I. Johnson, MIT School of Engineering
Miriam Land, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Debbie Lindell, MIT School of Engineering
Anton F. Post, The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat
Warren Regala, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
Manesh Shah, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Stephanie L. Shaw, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Claudia Steglich, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Matthew B. Sullivan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Claire S. Ting, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Andrew Tolonen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eric A. Webb, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Erik R. Zinser, MIT School of Engineering
Sallie W. Chisholm, MIT School of Engineering


The marine unicellular cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus is the smallest-known oxygen-evolving autotroph. It numerically dominates the phytoplankton in the tropical and subtropical oceans, and is responsible for a significant fraction of global photosynthesis. Here we compare the genomes of two Prochlorococcus strains that span the largest evolutionary distance within the Prochlorococcus lineage and that have different minimum, maximum and optimal light intensities for growth. The high-light-adapted ecotype has the smallest genome (1,657,990 base pairs, 1,716 genes) of any known oxygenic phototroph, whereas the genome of its low-light-adapted counterpart is significantly larger, at 2,410,873 base pairs (2,275 genes). The comparative architectures of these two strains reveal dynamic genomes that are constantly changing in response to myriad selection pressures. Although the two strains have 1,350 genes in common, a significant number are not shared, and these have been differentially retained from the common ancestor, or acquired through duplication or lateral transfer. Some of these genes have obvious roles in determining the relative fitness of the ecotypes in response to key environmental variables, and hence in regulating their distribution and abundance in the oceans.