
Honeybees use celestial and/or terrestrial compass cues for inter-patch navigation

Daniel A. Najera, Green River Community College
Erin L. Mccullough, University of Montana
Rudolf Jander, University of Kansas


Foraging honeybees (Apis mellifera) are well known to fly straight from the hive, their primary hub, to distal goals as well as between familiar feeding sites. More recently, it was shown that a distal feeding site may be used as a secondary hub. If not fully satiated, the foraging bee may decide to depart the first feeding site in a new compass direction straight to one of many other feeding sites (inter-patch foraging). Using a recently developed recording method, we discovered that the chosen departure direction at a secondary hub can be guided exclusively by either celestial or terrestrial compass cues. Given our data, we draw two theoretical inferences. First, the bees must be capable of learning and remembering multiple, spatially distinct, navigation vectors between the hive and among multiple feeding sites. Second, this documented and useful representation of multiple navigation vectors between multiple, identified target locations logically implies composite place-vector mapping, stored in long-term memory.