Deportation Practices / Tehcir Uygulamaları

Original Author

Krikor Guerguerian

Institutional Sponsor

Taner Akcam

Publication Date



Questions on what date the Armenians were removed from Erzurum, which consulates were located in Erzurum during the Deportation, that a wounded Armenian survivor of the killings had applied to the German consulate, and the murder of Setrak Pastirmajian.

A request for the official electoral records, regarding Mehmet Rıfat Bey, who was appointed to the Directorship of Police in Sivas in 1915.

On conducting an investigation of former County Executive of Susehri [Suşehri] Ahmet Hilmi Bey, over the murder of Vahan Hovsebian and then taking the unmarried Victoria, his countrywoman, by force.



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Deportation 26



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