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Physical appearance is highly valued in Western society and has the potential to impact many domains of personal life, including romantic relationships. This study examined the direct effect of appearance investment on intimacy and indirect effects through perfectionist self-presentation presentation and relationship mindfulness, utilizing a Structural Equation Model approach. Appearance schemas are cognitive generalizations about the importance of physical appearance within one’s self-concept and contribute to cognitive and behavioral investment in appearance. Concern for appearance influences how individuals interact with others and process the world around them, thus it has the potential to influence relationship health. However, no study to date has investigated how appearance investment relates to key components of relationship functioning, such as intimacy, nor the mechanisms for these relations. We collected self-report data from 220 adults who were in a current romantic relationship and living in the United States. Findings showed that higher concern for appearance is negatively associated with intimate behavior through the mechanism of presenting as perfect within the relationship. This study illustrates the importance of examining how appearance investment may impact intimacy within romantic relationships, as well as the factors that mediate this relationship, providing implications for future research and social and interventional implications. © The Author(s) 2024.

Publication Title

Discover Psychology

Publication Date











appearance investment, intimacy, perfectionist self-presentation, relationship mindfulness, romantic relationships

Cross Post Location

Student Publications

Included in

Psychology Commons



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